Preparing the next generation of leaders.
Mission and Vision
Our mission is to provide each cohort of students with an educational and leadership toolbox to be successful in their college journey.
Our vision is to develop new world leaders with a community-minded mindset.
About the Ivy League Project of Southern AZ
The Ivy League Project of Southern Arizona is a nine month program consisting of monthly college readiness meetings which culminate in an East Coast trip to Ivy League and other Top Tier Universities and Colleges in the Spring. Meetings consist of introduction to the college application process, scholarship searches, guest speakers and more. Schools visited include Harvard University, Brown University, Yale University, Boston University, Columbia University, Drexel University and many more.
We are sponsored by the Southwest Leadership Initiative, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization based in Tucson, Arizona.
“We must use our lives to make the world a better place to live, not just to acquire things. That is what we are put on earth for.”
Dolores Huerta
Ivy League Project of Southern AZ In The News
Co-Founder Corina Ontiveros discusses the importance of Latino advocacy in classrooms. She reflects, “I think to be a Latino advocate in public education is to make sure, at the minimum, that our students understand that Latinos have made long-term and lasting contributions to this country, this continent and this space since time immemorial”.
Co-Founder Raúl Aguirre reflects on his path and influence on student success in Tucson. Raúl comments, "“Our impact … is taking that garbage out of our kids’ psyche – that they’re not good enough – and putting them in prime positions to not feel like an imposter if they go to an Ivy League,” he says. ”To know that they’re not only good enough, but even better than they think.”
Support Us
Contact Ivy League Project of Southern Arizona
423 E 9th Street, Tucson Arizona, 85705
(520) 991-0083